Note: This is a paper produced under the Internship Program of the Center for Intramuros Studies
Project Overview
The project “Interpersonas” is a proposal to develop a community holistically in a human-centered approach that strives for what is best for its target users, the community, and its surroundings, seeking to optimize positive interactions between man and his surroundings. This will be done through three main concepts which are openness, ecology, and diversity.
Openness aims to reopen the streets for the people, decluttering the obstructions of the sidewalks and propelling the community towards a safer and friendlier urban landscape. To be able to achieve this, vendors are encouraged to relocate to designated areas in the proposed pedicab terminal and community market, where all vendors are welcomed to share a space.The next concept is Ecology, the ‘synthetic’ environment has its pros and cons, on one side it means the environment is tailored towards the needs of the modern man, on the other, it means that nature is once again on the losing side. To reach an equilibrium, parks will be scattered around the community– introducing landscape while encouraging the community to pick up urban gardening as a hobby. Lastly is Diversity, since Intramuros and the Philippines as a whole is diverse in many aspects, the aim is to create flexible spaces in key areas of the community where people of different cultures and races can interact and form bonds. This is where the community market will play a big role in creating an area where people could gather and share each culture in events such as the weekend markets.
The overall goal of the project is to bring the streets back to its town and community. This will be done by creating spaces which are the parks, community market, and pedicab terminal, where everything and anything will fit and not have to force itself in spaces not intended to. Additionally, the rehabilitation of the pedestrian sidewalks will be done once the streets are opened, where lights and barriers will be provided to maintain the beauty of the streets and their facades.
Keywords: Community Market; Pedicab Terminal; Parks; Openness; Ecology; Diversity
To get a copy of the paper email us at [email protected]
This Project Proposal was completed in July 2021 under the internship of the following:
Lorenzo Mauricio

I am currently an architecture student in the University of Santo Tomas (UST) and I care for architecture that is for the people, thinking of the building or space as a tool that improves their quality of life. I like simple but tastefully designed spaces as I find them aesthetically pleasing and calming, but I am also open to complex designs. Besides designing, I love the outdoors, wristwatches, music, and technology.
Mara Cruz

I am currently a 5th year Architecture Student in the University of Santo Tomas with a passion for design, painting and a casual series binge. I greatly enjoy what I do and hope that my passion for architecture will be a part of what can change the future of our country and its people for the better.
Kyle Mejia

I am currently a 5th-year Architecture student from the University of Santo Tomas (UST) and I am passionate about Architecture and design because of its huge potential to reshape the world and ability to create a positive impact to the people and their environment. I enjoy making art, going on spontaneous adventures, and discovering new things that contribute to my own self development.
- Rancho ARCILLA
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Note: The opinions expressed by our interns in their papers and presentations during their internships with us do not necessarily reflect any statement, stand, or position of the Intramuros Administration. Moreover, inclusion of research papers or project proposals in the online database of the Center for Intramuros Studies or the website of the Intramuros Administration do not necessarily constitute as an endorsement.
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