Intramuros Learning Sessions episode no. 7

“Folk santos” are often underrated, misunderstood, and dismissed as primitive. Derisively called “mamarachos,” this artform versus the approved church style moved on a completely different plane. However, upon closer reflection, this artform, aside from being popular in style and easy to make and trade, answered a specific spiritual and psychological need that was felt and deemed important by the masses. To the indio, who himself may have fashioned the statue from the wood he cut, it was never a matter of his santo being beautiful, but of his creation having been intended for the sublime, by extension becoming a mirror reflecting the face of God.
- Guest speaker: Floy Quintos
- Moderator: Rancho Arcilla
About the Speaker: Floy Quintos
Floy Quintos is more recognized as a stage director, playwright and conten creator . He is the playwright of , among other, “The Kundiman Party” and “Angry Christ”, as well as the creative director for the 2019 Sea Games opening and other events that have highlighted aspects of Phil culture. But he has also worked as a curator of museum exhibitions focusing on many aspects of traditional culture.
Last year, he ws invited by the Musee Branly in Paris to curate “Anting- Antint. The Secret Soul of the Filipino.” He has also curated exhibitions on traditional art for the Yuchengco , Ayala and Vargas museums.He was instrumental in the creation of the Taoid museum in Laog , as well as the textile collections of the Ayala museum and Museo Kordilyera in Baguio.
About the moderator: Rancho Arcilla
John Paul Escandor Arcilla, known professionally as Rancho Arcilla, is the author of the Intramuros Register of Styles (2021). He served as Chairperson of the Intramuros Technical Committee on Architectural Standards (TCAS) from June 2022 to May 2024. As TCAS Chairperson, Arcilla oversaw the review of all development, including new constructions, in the Walled City.
Arcilla was also the first Archivist of the Intramuros Administration. With a mandate from Atty. Guiller Asido, Administrator of Intramuros from 2017 to 2022, Arcilla established the Administration’s Archives and Central Records Section, serving as its first Section Head from July 2019 to June 2024.
He has an MA in Philippine Studies from UP Diliman and a BA in Asian Studies from the University of Santo Tomas. Arcilla specializes on colonial architecture.
In 2021, Arcilla was instrumental in the development of the Revised 2021 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1616, the main framework and legal instrument in the management of Intramuros District. The architectural provisions of the IRR and the Intramuros Register of Styles (2021) is based on his MA thesis Walls within Walls: The Architecture of Intramuros (2021).
About the Intramuros Learning Sessions
The Intramuros Learning Sessions (ILS) is the educational lecture series of the Intramuros Administration (IA). The IA is an attached national government agency under the Department of Tourism.
Topics are interdisciplinary and cover themes related to Intramuros and Manila studies, Philippine studies, as well as cultural heritage studies. Pursuant to IA’s charter, the ILS aims to contribute to the strengthening of the Filipino’s national identity and sense of belonging and pride.
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