Virtual Tours

Walk with us in Intramuros through #IntramurosVirtualTours launched in line with the Intramuros Administration’s “Travel From Home” campaign and in partnership with the Department of Tourism – Philippines.

Fort Santiago
A national shrine and a landmark today, Fort Santiago has stood witness to numerous events in our pre-hispanic and colonial history, as well as our people’s journey to our hard-won independence.
Casa Manila
Inside Plaza San Luis, a cultural-commercial complex in Intramuros, is a remarkable house that takes us back in time to experience a principalia’s domestic life in the 1800s.
Baluarte de San Diego
Within the vast walls of Intramuros are several centuries-old fortifications. One of these is Baluarte de San Diego, a spade-shaped bulwark with a rich history.
Museo de Intramuros
Learn more about the Museo de Intramuros!


Maestranza Archeological Excavation
Watch our video on our archeological excavation at the Maestranza site in Intramuros.
Intramuros Documentary
Learn more about the history of Intramuros with your documentaries.

For more information contact the Center for Intramuros Studies via [email protected]
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