Missale Juxta Ritum Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum. Madrid: Eusebio Aguado, 1829
This Dominican Missal (formally, Missal according to the Rite of the Sacred Order of Preachers) from the Archives of the Intramuros Administration was published in 1829 in Madrid by Eusebio Aguado, the printer of the Court of His Majesty and the Royal House of Spain.
The Master General of the Dominican Order Fr. Joaquín Briz, together with the Holy See, authorized the publication. Appointed by Pope Leo XII in 1825, Briz led the Dominican Order through the turbulent times of the Napoleonic invasions, independence movements, wars, and liberal-espoused persecution of the religious orders.
Acquired by the Intramuros Administration in the 1980s, the two-color illustrated missal measures 10.5” x 15”. The leather cover has identical front and back designs: an embossed border of Celtic knots and a gilt cross at the center.
A missal is a large book that contains liturgical instructions, calendars, and readings for the Holy Mass. Unknown to many, there is a variety of rites permitted by the Holy See to be practiced within Western Christianity aside from the default Roman Rite. Some of these are based on local practices, like the Gallican Rite in France and the Mozarabic Rite in Spain. Others are developed in consonance with the charisms of certain religious orders such as this one. With diversity comes a variety of missals.
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