Anthony S. Feredo is an avid fan of military history and specializes in Philippine WW2 military campaigns, seacoast fortifications and artillery and WW2 aviation. One of his main focuses is the in-depth research and study of the Harbor Defenses of Manila and Subic Bays which covers the islands of Corregidor, Caballo, Carabao, El Fraile and Grande islands. He is also a member of the Coast Defense Study Group (CDSG), a non-profit organization based in the US that studies defenses and fortifications including their history, architecture, technology, strategic and tactical employment and evolution. Tony is also a member of the Pacific Air War History Associates (PAWHA), a private group of military aviation scholars, historians and authors that focuses in the air war in the Pacific Theatre of Operation (PTO). Currently he has a book project with a foreign co-author about the air war in the Philippines (1944-45). He is in process of completing his research on WW2 Airfields in the Philippines that covers the pre-war and wartime airfields, emergency landing fields, seaplane bases, the various air units deployed and the types of aircraft flown here.
With over 30 years of Information Technology experience, he has applied his data analysis and electronic data archiving skills to his vast collection of historical documents, maps and photographs in his personal library (@tferedo library). Now semi-retired, Tony has time to build aircraft scale models privately or on commission.
As main speaker
ILS 79 – Coast Artillery: An Overview on the Harbor Defenses of Manila Bay

About the Intramuros Learning Sessions
The Intramuros Learning Sessions (ILS) is the educational webinar series of the Intramuros Administration (IA). The IA is an attached national government agency under the Department of Tourism.
Topics are interdisciplinary and cover themes related to Intramuros and Manila studies, Philippine studies, as well as cultural heritage studies. Pursuant to IA’s charter, the ILS aims to contribute to the strengthening of the Filipino’s national identity and sense of belonging and pride.
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