Intramuros Learning Sessions episode no. 75 – Pilgrimage with the Intramuros Pedicab Drivers: Art, Tourism, and Religion


Recollecting and reflecting on his community art engagement with the pedicab drivers of Barangay 655, Intramuros Manila during the Manila Biennale 2018, Jesuit artist and Ateneo Fine Arts lecturer, Jason K. Dy, SJ is invited by the Intramuros Administration to its Intramuros Lecture Series this coming 11 April 2022, Holy Monday. 
Through his art project, “PROCESIóN de los CAMAREROS, 2018,” Dy explores the art as a channel of engaging with pedicab drivers, witnessing their life and struggles of being part of the tourism culture of old Manila, and gaining some insights into their faith life. 
This lecture will be a case exposition on the situation of urban settlers living in a heritage district of Manila and how they had engaged with contemporary art practices.

  • Guest Speaker: Rev. Fr. Jason Dy, S.J.
  • Moderator: Rancho Arcilla

About the Guest Speaker:

Rev. Fr. Jason Dy, SJ is a Jesuit priest and Filipino contemporary artist. He is the founder of Alternative Contemporary Art Studio (ACAS) in Cebu City and is currently a lecturer at the Fine Arts Department of the Ateneo de Manila University. He is has an MA in Art History and Curating from the Liverpool Hope University in the UK.

One notable project was Procesion de los Camareros, commissioned for first Manila Biennale Open City with the participation of the fifteen pedicab drivers from Barangay 655, Intramuros, Manila (2018). Another one was Not One Less project in Kecamatan Imogiri (2017, Bantul, Yogyakarta) and Project Space Pilipinas (2017, Lucban, Quezon) that responded to EJK violence through happenings and rituals. 

His latest curatorial project was Yellow Ambiguities at the Ateneo Art Gallery (August 2019-January 2020) together with the poet and art writer Carlomar Daoana. The co-curated exhibition explored how the artists and artisans engaged with the complexity of the color yellow in the Philippine context from pre-colonial times until the contemporary times.

Currently, since the lockdown in March 2020 because of the pandemic, Dy has been arranging flowers as part of the ongoing art project Arrange/Enliven. These floral arrangements are installed either at the studio of Jesuit Communications, Sonulox Building or at the Church of the Gesú, Ateneo de Manila, for the daily online masses. Photographs of these arrangements are posted on his Facebook page accompanied with some reflective texts.

About the moderator: Rancho Arcilla

John Paul Escandor Arcilla, known professionally as Rancho Arcilla, is the author of the Intramuros Register of Styles (2021). He served as Chairperson of the Intramuros Technical Committee on Architectural Standards (TCAS) from June 2022 to May 2024. As TCAS Chairperson, Arcilla oversaw the review of all development, including new constructions, in the Walled City.

Arcilla was also the first Archivist of the Intramuros Administration. With a mandate from Atty. Guiller Asido, Administrator of Intramuros from 2017 to 2022, Arcilla established the Administration’s Archives and Central Records Section, serving as its first Section Head from July 2019 to June 2024.

He has an MA in Philippine Studies from UP Diliman and a BA in Asian Studies from the University of Santo Tomas. Arcilla specializes on colonial architecture.

In 2021, Arcilla was instrumental in the development of the Revised 2021 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No. 1616, the main framework and legal instrument in the management of Intramuros District. The architectural provisions of the IRR and the Intramuros Register of Styles (2021) is based on his MA thesis Walls within Walls: The Architecture of Intramuros (2021).

About the Intramuros Learning Sessions

The Intramuros Learning Sessions (ILS) is the educational lecture series of the Intramuros Administration (IA). The IA is an attached national government agency under the Department of Tourism. 

Topics are interdisciplinary and cover themes related to Intramuros and Manila studies, Philippine studies, as well as cultural heritage studies. Pursuant to IA’s charter, the ILS aims to contribute to the strengthening of the Filipino’s national identity and sense of belonging and pride.

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Colegio de Sta. Rosa: History, Heritage & Legacy
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The Big One: The 1863 Earthquake of Corpus Christi

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