The Book Stop Project’s first Heritage Walk and Talk Lecture series kicks off today,  June 3, 2017 at the Plaza Roma in Intramuros, Manila. Gracing the event were WTA Architecture and Design Studio’s Principal Architect William Ti, the Administrator of Intramuros Atty. Guiller Asido, and the Executive Director of the National Museum of the Philippines Mr. Jeremy Robert Barns. With the theme on Intramuros’s development, the Administrator presented in his talk a background of the Intramuros Administration, and its present projects. The talk was followed by a tour to the newly rehabilitated Fort Santiago, led by IA’s in-house tour guide Mr. Louie Martinez.


Mr. Jeremy Robert Barns, Executive Director of the National Museum of the Philippines delivers the welcome remarks to the Heritage Walk and Talk.

The Administrator of Intramuros, Atty. Guiller Asido, giving a talk on the Intramuros Administration, its vision and its present projects.